Layout from Aqua Cure

Easy Way Out

- Leon from Resident Evil 4

Salazar and Saddler won't leave you alone? Crazy verdugo chasing you in the sewers? Let me introduce you to the rocket launcher, guaranteed to blow the crap out of anything and everything. And that, my friend, is the easy way out of almost any enemy in the game. Anyway, I really wanted to make a Leon layout, and I could not resist this image XD

Please do not remove the links that go to credited websites, and do not edit this layout except for adding in your own content. If you need help with it, please see this page before e-mailing me for help.

- Cat

Valid XHTML | Valid CSS


1. Extract all of the files from the zip file onto someplace on your computer. Make sure they stay in the same folder.

2. Using an HTML or text editor (like Notepad), edit index.html between "BEGIN CONTENT" and "END CONTENT" and between "BEGIN NAVIGATION" and "END NAVIGATION". No other places should be touched.

3. Be sure to upload index.html, style.css, and all of the images.

4. Please remember that you cannot touch the format or images of this layout. If you're wondering what you can and cannot edit, please see this page.

Remember: By downloading and/or using my layouts, you show that you have read, understood, and agreed to my terms of usage.