
Div layout with 3 backgrounds

January 20th, 2013

This tutorial assumes you already know how to contain floats properly and create a centered div layout. If not, please start with those 2 tutorials!

We will be making a div layout that has 3 backgrounds: body background, horizontal background, and vertical background.

Body background

Let’s start with setting the CSS for the <body>.


body {

margin: 0;

background: #334359 url(bg_01.gif) center top;


CSS Explanations:

margin – I’m setting all of the margins to 0, so that my other backgrounds can touch the edges of the screen.

background: #334359 – This is a color for the background incase the image background doesn’t load.

background: url(bg_01.gif) – This is our image background that will fill the body.

background: center top – The image background will start at the top center and fill outward from there. When I’m making a centered layout, I normally center the background as well.

Now we have a tiled background.

Horizontal background

To make a horizontal background on top of the background we already have, we need a div that goes the full width of the screen and wraps the layout. I’m going to call this an hwrap (horizontal wrap).


<div id=”hwrap”>


body {

margin: 0;

background: #334359 url(bg_02.gif) center top;


#hwrap {

width: 100%;

background: url(bg_02.gif) center top repeat-x;

min-height: 270px;

overflow: hidden;


CSS Explanations:

width – Since we want it to go the full width, we set it to 100%.

background: transparent – Note that I didn’t write transparent, but when you don’t specify a color, it defaults to this. We want it transparent so the body background shows in areas the hwrap doesn’t.

background: url(bg_02.gif) – This is the image background that goes horizontally.

background: center top – Like the body background, I also want this one to start at the top center and fill outward from there.

background: repeat-x – This means the background should only repeat horizontally. That way it doesn’t tile vertically.

min-height – The div can grow more than 270px, but its minimum height is 270px. I added this incase the content wasn’t long enough to make the whole horizontal background show. (My horizontal background image is 270px in height.) This is totally optional.

overflow: hidden – As explained in the containing floats url, this will contain any floats that might be in this wrapper.

That code added a horizontal background on top of our body background. Notice how it only goes across once and doesn’t repeat again vertically. This is thanks to the repeat-x in the background code.

Vertical Background

Now for the last part. We will add a vertical background for our content area. I’m adding it to my layout wrapper.


<div id=”hwrap”>

<div id=”wrapper”>

Content here!



body {

margin: 0;

background: #334359 url(bg_02.gif) center top;


#hwrap {

width: 100%;

background: url(bg_02.gif) center top repeat-x;

min-height: 270px;

overflow: hidden;


#wrapper {

width: 450px;

margin: 0 auto;

background: #C6CCD3 url(bg_03.gif) repeat-y;

overflow: hidden;


CSS Explanations:

width – Just setting the width of my content area. This is also the same width as my vertical background.

margin: 0 auto – As explained in the centered div layout, this is what centers the layout.

background: #C6CCD3 – I do want to set a color incase the image doesn’t load. Otherwise, the text would be too hard to read against the body background.

background: url(bg_03.gif) – This is the image background that goes vertically.

background: left top – Note that I didn’t actually write this. When you don’t specify the position, it will default to the top left corner. In this case, I don’t care that it doesn’t start in the center because it doesn’t repeat horizontally. I do want it at the top to match with the body and horizontal background though.

background: repeat-y – This means that the background will repeat vertically, but it won’t tile horizontally.

And here it is, all 3 backgrounds!


To summarize, here are the main points:

  1. If you can’t use the body to put your horizontal background, you will need a div that wraps around the layout with the horizontal background. It needs to be width: 100%.
  2. Use repeat-x in your background CSS to tile a background horizontally and not vertically.
  3. Use repeat-y in your background CSS to tile a background vertically and not horizontally.
  4. Not specifying a repeat will just tile the background in both directions.

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