

Here are possible solutions for common problems when using layouts.

  • The layout doesn’t look right. (Aligned wrong, missing colors or backgrounds, etc.)

    Be sure you have uploaded style.css in the same directory as the page you are looking at. If you use directories, change this line to point to where style.css is located.
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css” type=”text/css” />

  • I got a frames layout but not all of the pages or images are loading.

    Make sure you have uploaded everything that came with the zip file. All of them are needed to create the layout. Also, please do not alter any of the frame coding.

  • I got a frames layout, and the links in the navigation aren’t opening in the right frame.

    I always name the content frame main in my iframe and frame layouts. You will need to target your links to that, like this:
    <a href=”link.html” target=”main”>

  • I don’t know how to upload the files.

    This is something I cannot help you with since each host will differ. Please check their help pages instead. I only provided you the layout; I am not hosting your site.
