Metal Bar
February 21st, 2013
Here’s a way to make a horizontal metal bar, which can be handy as a title image or for navigation.
Finished Result

- Open a new canvas with the size that you want the bar to be. I’m going to use 400x40px.
Make a New Layer
. I will name mine, metal bg.
Select a dark gray in the Foreground and a light gray in the Background.
Select the Gradient tool
. Make sure Linear Gradient is selected, and that the color goes from the Foreground to the Background.
Make a gradient on layer metal bg that goes from the bottom to top.
Use the Rectangle Marquee
, and make a selection that goes all the way across but leaves a few pixels of room on the top and bottom.
Right click inside of the selection and choose Free Transform.
Right click inside the selection again and choose Flip Vertical. Hit Enter on your keyboard to apply the transformation.
Use the Rectangular Marquee
to make a selection around the top section. Hold Shift to make another selection around the bottom section.
Go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur. Set it to 1px or 2px.
The basic metal background is done! Let’s add some text now. I will treat mine as a navigation bar.
Use the Text tool
and type some text in white.
In your Layers window, click on Layer Styles
and select Bevel and Emboss.
Set Style to Outer Bevel, Direction to Down, and Size to 2px. You can leave the rest.
It should look like this now:
Now to add a border that divides the navigation sections. Make a New Layer
, which I will name divider.
Use the Pencil tool
to draw a 1px white line next to a 1px black line.
Set the Opacity of layer divider to 50%, so that the divider blends in with the bar more.
And that’s it! To finish it, I added more navigation sections.
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