Making and using patterns
July 31st, 2013
You can turn anything into a pattern that Photoshop will store. You can then have Photoshop repeat it for you over an area.

Finished result

- We want to make just one part of a pattern that can be repeated several times. Let’s start with a new canvas (File >> New). I will be using a 3x3px canvas.
In your Layers window, create a New Layer
Still in your Layers window, select the Background layer and delete it
. You should have a single, transparent layer now.
Make your pattern on this layer. I am making a grid pattern, so I will use the Pencil tool
to draw a corner.
Go to Edit >> Define Pattern. Name the pattern and then hit OK.
Now you have stored a pattern! Whenever you want to use it, go to Edit >> Fill. Set “Use” to Pattern, and then select your pattern from the Custom Pattern list.
Pattern examples
Image credit: sundstrom
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