Rectangular Gel Banner
February 2nd, 2015
How to make a shiny, 3D banner. It can make a great layout header!
Please know how to do the following before using this tutorial.
- Exercise: Selections – Be sure you know how to load a selection.

- Make a new canvas. I will be using a 400x200px one.
Make a New Layer
. I am going to name it base.
Use the Rectangular Marquee tool
to make a rectangle selection, and then use the Paint Bucket
to fill it with a color that is duller than the color you want to end up with. (Trust me, it’ll look better later.)
Make a New Layer
. I will name this one lower light.
Select the Gradient tool
and use the following settings. Choose a Linear Gradient that goes from white to transparent.
Make a gradient from the bottom to about half-way up.
Set the Opacity of lower light to around 30-50%. The amount depends on your color.
But you basically want something like this:
Make a New Layer
, which I will name shadow.
Use the Paint Bucket
to fill layer shadow with black.
With the selection still around your rectangle, go to Select >> Modify >> Feather (old versions use Select >> Feather) and choose 15px.
Press Delete on your keyboard and then deselect (Ctrl+D) your selection.
That gives us a nice shadow around the edges, but it’s a bit too strong. So, set the Blending Option of layer shadow to Overlay.
Now we have this:
Make a New Layer
. I’m naming it highlight.
Use a Paint Brush
that is about 5px round. Hold Shift and draw a straight line near the top. There should be a bit of space on the left/right sides and at the top.
Go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur, and set it to 2px.
Hide the Background layer…
…then select layer base, and Merge Visible (Ctrl+Shift+E or Layer >> Merge Visible) so that the layers are all together.
Duplicate layer base (Ctrl+J or Layer >> Duplicate Layer).
Load a selection on layer base copy. (Tutorial: Exercise: Selections, step 6)
Then apply a Gaussian Blur by going to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur. Set it to 1px.
Set the Blending Option of layer base copy to Overlay.
This will give us a nice bright color. (See? I told you it’d look better!)
Add whatever you want to the banner, and you’re done!
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